Value Creation Framework
Innovate, Change and Manage – Manufacturing Industry
Our Model Approach
Innovate, Change, Manage
The Value Creation Model’s strategic nature, combined with its focus on operational performance and a results orientation, makes it an ideal framework for evaluating the coherence and alignment of an organization’s future ambitions, as compared to its current ways of working and responses to challenges and pain points.
Our Model is based on the powerful logic of three primary questions…
What ?
How ?
Where ?
This model helps organisations create a culture of improvement and innovation. A strong mission, leaders at all levels, a culture of performance, and adaptability are some of the things this model can help you achieve.
Management Principles

Strategic Alignment
Using a common, compelling vision, create unity of purpose. Align goals and objectives to a shared vision and strategy at every level also focusing on the resource investment.

Timely Management
Measure only what is important to the customer so the needs & specifications are met additionally validating the information through the direct observation and managing the performance.

Design Systems
A system-wide approach rather than a piecemeal approach followed by the selection of reliable technologies that meet the needs and benefit people, processes, or customers.
Operating Principles

Lean Processes
Eliminate non-value-added tasks and activities, standardizing work practices, making the standardized work visible, and standardizing the essential manufacturing processes.

System Reliability
Variability is recognized and minimised at all levels, Build strong quality controls into the organizational processes. Defects are proactively detected and addressed in the business processes.

Synchronize Flow
Create product flow is the ultimate goal, Balance processes & workloads to support flow. Pull at the demand of the customer build products based on actual demand and not on forecasts
Organizational Capabilities
Aligning the entire organization around a value stream orientation that supports all the framework elements and continuously build capabilities to ensure the sustained success in the future.

Performance Organization
Establishing a safe and wholesome working environment. Boost employee commitment by making them aware of their impact on the company's customers.

Customer Value
Designing the organization structure, spans & layers to support the value streams. Collocate the cross functional teams to achieve the strategic objectives of the organization.

Bond Organization
Develop external relationships and partnerships. Maintain an insight-driven approach to discovering unfulfilled demands also Creating an collaborative environment at all levels.
Leadership & Culture
Lead change in mind-sets and behaviours and engage employees in defining, executing and improving the value stream performance to strengthen customer trust.

Shape Organization
Transform ideas into observable solutions and products that add value to the customer and the business. Challenging the current quo, taking the lead, and being flexible.

Lead Organization
Take ownership of the talent acquisition, performance and development of self and others. Maximise the power of diversity and inclusion within the overall organization at all levels.

Deliver Value
Empower people to act with speed, agility and accountability. Demonstrating a global and enterprise wide mind-set and balancing the short and long term strategic choices.
“Our mission is to assist organisations in achieving great results and meaningful advantages for all of their key stakeholders as well as society as a whole.”
Our Transformational Journey
Our journey to transform the organization has no end. Contrary to the approach “if it isn’t broken, don’t fix it”, we must understand that there is always opportunity for improvement. The deeper we understand our processes the more we see opportunities.
A culture of continuous improvement must be evident throughout the organization where everyone is expected to participate in improving their own area of work People must feel comfortable identifying deficiencies in current performance, this behaviour drives performance improvement. Significant behavioural and organizational change requires a high level of engagement across the organization to ensure success.
Praxis Value Consulting focuses on enterprise-wide, structural changes that might lead to long-term cost reductions and profit increases. In doing so, we work to assist our clients in creating cost structures that are scalable and profitable to generate profits. Based on our significant experience with improvement initiatives across industries, our services typically fall into main transformation strategies to assist firms in addressing their unique cost and strategic concerns.
Key Benefits
Cost Reduction
Unlock Capacity
Other Benefits

Improved Labor

Reduced Lead


Increased Customer Experience

Improved Delivery

Improved Organization Health
Business Improvement with Praxis Value